Happy 1st birthday Abbey!
The birthday girl |
Abbey in her first year learnt how to smile at 5 weeks, babble at 7 weeks, laugh and grab at things at 12 weeks, blowing raspberries at 15 weeks, roll over at 19 weeks and consistently rolling over at 6 months, sit at 6.5 months, commando crawling at 8.5 months, crawling on all fours and grew her first tooth at 10.5 months stand and pulling to stand at around 11 months. And we can also wave goodbye and blow kisses and say a few words with the favourites being "no", "dadda", "mumma" and "ball".
We had Abbey's birthday on a Sunday afternoon with lots of family and friends around. There was heaps of food including a spit roast and a beautiful carousel cake made by Aunty Cass. A big big thank you to Aunty Cass who went beyond the call of duty to make this incredible cake.
Aunty Cass' incredible carousel cake |
The cake surrounded by a sea of sweets |
Clockwise from top left: Cupcake ice cream cones, tea cups, meringues and melting moments |
Tea cups made with marshmallows, yoyo biscuits, freckles and lifesaver |
The spit |
There was an easter egg hunt, but before we could start the hunt we had to decorate our easter egg basket .... glitter and stickers everywhere !
Decorating the Easter Egg baskets |
Let the Easter Egg hunt begin ....
Any luck girls ? |

Eloise, have you spotted an egg ?
And then there was silence as the kids tucked into their eggs ....
Eating the spoils of the find |
Chomp, chomp, chomp |
Cutting the cake was a little heart breaking as it was such a shame to dismantle Aunty Cass' masterpiece
Kids patiently waiting for cake |
Thank you everyone for coming to help Abbey celebrate her 1st birthday and a very special thank you to Aunty Cass for your amazing effort. The birthday girl had a great time and was not fused at all about missing her afternoon nap !
A very happy birthday girl !
Happy first birthday Abbey ! Love you to the moon and back xoxox