Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Kids in the kitchen

The girls love their cooking and we had a day where we invited some friends and had a kids cooking class at home making and decorating biscuits and putting together fruit skewers.

This was followed by a sushi picnic lunch outside in the backyard. We were going to get the kids to make their own sushi but realised that this may still be quite a challenge for 3 year old hands and even 5 year old hands!

Sunday, 28 April 2013

We are swimming!

Now that Abbey has turned 3, the world seems to have opened up for her.  First, she was allowed to go to kinder and now she is also able to have swimming lessons without the need to be accompanied by a parent.  So off she went. 

A little reluctant at first but she was finally persuaded.  Her big sister came for the first lesson and was instrumental in talking her into getting into the water and was at her side the whole time!  Thanks Eloise!
"Common Abbey, take a seat on the steps"
"You're going to be just fine Abbey" says Eloise
"See, its not that bad is it?"

Its just baby steps at the moment where the class is learning how to blow bubbles under water and learning how to kick.
Abbey practising her kicks

Thursday, 25 April 2013


We made Anzac Day a long weekend this year and headed to Warburton with Mackenzie and her family.   Eloise met Mackenzie at child care when they were just 2 and they ended up the same kinder and are now also at school together.   

Warburton is another picturesque spot with the river running through the park grounds.  We had a very nice grassy site with lots of space for the kids to run and ride around on.   It was in fact the perfect spot for Eloise to cement her newly found no training wheel bike riding skills. 
Our home away from home on a nice grassy spot
Abbey, Mackenzie and Eloise 
Lots of space for the kids to run around
Believe it or not, the river that runs through the park is the Yarra river and the water is actually clear.  Brett even drank from it and said that it tasted very sweet and was still alive the next day to tell the tale!

The kids loved throwing rocks in the river and making boats out of leaves and bark to set sail down the river.
Checking out the rapids

There were lots of trails to walk and ride on and the trail into town would through the river and took about 20 minutes.

We rode and walked into town and the girls found a park on the river.

Eloise and Jackson looking for their leaf boat they had floated downstream
The walk to town was very picturesque and there was even an old swing bridge to negotiate. Once in town there were lots of cafes and shops to browse in.

Negotiating the swing bridge

There was even a bike / scooter race with some severe handicapping arranged by Brett.  However, Abbey threw the towel in within a few seconds when she realised that her scooter was just not going to be able to compete against the bikes.
The start line of the big race
 We spent a lot of time walking and riding and Eloise loved riding on the trail through the 'mysterious' forest.  They even found a little dirt ramp. 

Abbey enjoyed the scenery from the comfort of her stroller.

With all that activity there was also plenty of eating done.

Toasting damper twists

Ice-cream time

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Teddy Bear Teddy Bear

Happy third birthday Abbey !   To celebrate, we had a Teddy Bears Picnic party in the backyard. We were very fortunate and had a perfect sunny Autumn afternoon for the party.  
The invitations
All party guests were asked to bring their favourite teddy and given teddy bear ears (which took forever to make) to wear, although some like Eloise refused to wear them as it did not match her outfit! 

There was a craft table set up for the kids to make party hats for their teddies. 

But it wasn't long before the kids were itching to get up to play at the cubby house and sandpit. 
Amber was also very keen not to miss out on anything and wanted to be in the thick of things!

There were also some party games to keep the kids entertained.
Musical statues
After all that play, the kids were keen to sit down for some  food.  There was homemade sausage rolls, fairy bread, mini franks, mini zucchini muffins and fruit skewers. 
Amber was very content to sit at the head of the table with the other kids
And there was off course some real party food  - vanilla cupcakes, teddy bear milky bar cars, Oreo pops, honey joys, pop corn, carrot cake and chocolate brownie cheesecake.  Thanks Eloise for making the honey joys, Oreo pops and milky bar cars.
 And off course there was the birthday cake which was a two layered chocolate mud-cake.  The grass on the cake was dyed coconut flakes and the bears and picnic food was great fun to make out of sugar paste.



Happy Birthday Abbey!  We love you to the moon and back and beyond.