Sunday, 22 January 2012

Kids in the Kitchen

Eloise has always loved to help in the kitchen and this morning she announced that she wanted to make something herself for our Chinese New Year dinner that evening.  So we donned our aprons to make a chocolate mud cake.  

Tippy toes were required to be able to see into the mixing bowl !
Even with a higher chair, tippy toes were still required to reach over

That's my girl! Multi-tasking and not yet even 2 !

Usually whenever Eloise helps out in the kitchen, it is during Abbey's nap time so that Abbey does not interupt or get in the way !!  However, this time around it was early in the morning and there was no denying Abbey. So we set her up with her own bowl, mixing spoon and some dried pasta and food dye.  As you can seen, Abbey seems to love helping out as much as her sister does. 

The chocolate mud cake turned out really well, it was very moist and chocolatey ...yum !  Well done Eloise for a great effort.  The only things that Eloise needed help with was reading the recipe, melting the chocolate and butter over a double boiler, pouring the mixture into the mixing bowl and putting the cake tin into the oven.  All the rest of the tasks including lining the cake tin,  cracking the eggs, measuring the ingredients and stirring the mixture were all performed by Eloise. 

The girls were also very good with sharing the joys of licking the bowl ! However, this might explain why the kids were subsequently not that keen on their lunch!!

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