Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Black Eye

Abbey's black eye didn't stop her from enjoying her sushi

Poor Abbey ...first she got bitten by mozzies or some sort of insect right under her eye which made the area under her eye swell, then she fell up (yes up) the stairs and got a massive shiner on her eye. 

We were actually on the way to see the doctors about the swelling from the mosquito bite when she fell but the bruise came immediately and the black eye looked so awful that I thought that the doctor would actually query the bruise and refer us to the authorities! So we decided that it was probably not a great idea to visit the docs after all!

Have you ever gone out with a child with her black eye? The number of filthy looks one gets  made me wish that I could put Abbey into a shirt which explain what really happened and exonerate the parent from any perceived wrong doing!

And if you are asking how she actually fell up the stairs? Well it turned out that Eloise had sticky taped the bottom of Abbey's ugg boots resulting in her boots not having any grips. And why would Eloise do such a thing? Well we think it is due to the Tom and Jerry episodes the girls have been watching on You Tube!

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