Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Walk walk walking in Paris

 We spent our first day in Paris joining a walking tour which started at the Paris Opera and which took us to a number of Paris landmarks.  It was very worthwhile tour especially on our first day as it gave us a very good idea of the layout of the city. 
On the steps of the Paris Opera
Paris Opera
We walked through Place Vendome  the 'Oh La La' exclusive end of Paris where all the luxury brands and high end hotels like the Ritz are located. 
Place Vendome
Place Vendome
Chanel at Place Vendome
Hanging out at Cartier
Place Vendome
Checking out Louis Vuitton

Place Vendome
The next stop on our tour was the Jardin des Tuileries, a beautiful garden next to the Louvre that was commissioned by Queen Catherine Medici for the Tuileries Palace in the 1500s. Not only is it a great (very symetical) garden but it also has a great views of various Parisian landmarks. 
Tuileries Garden

Tuileries Garden
Takeway for lunch !
Picnic lunch Parisian style on chairs as you are not allowed to sit on the grass
Tuileries Garden Playground
The Tuileries Garden at one end leads you out to Concorde Place and from here you can see a number of Parisian landmarks including the Egytian Obelisk, Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysee. 

Egyptian Obelisk

View of Eiffel Tower from Concorde Place
Fountain at Concorde Place
Then the Champs Elysee beckoned and we strolled down on a beautiful sunny afternoon, all the way from Concorde Place to the Arc de Triomphe and back again !  It was about a 4km return trip so the girls did really well to walk that distance plus all the other walking we had already done and still needed to do to get home!

Shopping on Champs Elysee
Shopping on Champs Elysee
Arc de Triomphe

Arc de Triomphe




























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